by | Jul 25, 2019

4 eggs
2 cups half-and-half
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 tablespoon cinnamon
12 slices white bread, sliced very thin
12 slices big-eye Swiss cheese, sliced thin
6 slices honey ham, sliced thin
Maple syrup
1/4 cup toasted, sliced almonds
Powdered sugar (optional)

Place eggs, half-and-half, vanilla and cinnamon in a blender. Mix until smooth and set aside. Construct sandwiches by tucking a slice of ham between two slices of Swiss cheese. Arrange meat and cheese between two slices of bread. Dip sandwiches into the egg batter and cook on a buttery griddle or skillet, browning both sides of the sandwich until crisp. Cut each sandwich diagonally and arrange on a plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar and toasted almonds. Drizzle with maple syrup and serve.

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