
New Team to lead AMEC

New Team to lead AMEC

Ponder joins Atchison, Haines as association officers A new team will lead Missouri’s electric cooperatives into the future following the election of officers at the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives Annual Meeting held in October 2021. Darrell Atchison, a...

Shop local

Shop local

Buy Missouri helps you support your neighbors with Missouri-made gifts Last year local businesses were struggling to recover from the pandemic. We put together a “Shop Local” page to showcase some of the made-in-Missouri items available for holiday gifts. The page...

Dollars at Work

Dollars at Work

Dollar-Up campaign funds lineworker training Since 1999 the Electrical Distribution Systems, or EDS, program at State Technical College of Missouri has filled a much-needed role in the utility sector: skilled lineworkers. Through a winning formula of industry-led...

Consider a Co-op Career

Consider a Co-op Career

Electric co-ops are great places to work Electric cooperative employees tend to be a happy group of people. There’s a good reason why. It’s their job to provide affordable, reliable electric service. But in doing that they also make a difference in the lives of their...

Please Move Over for Roadside Crews

Please Move Over for Roadside Crews

If you see police, firefighters, utility crews or other emergency personnel on the side of the road, please slow down and move over when possible. It’s hard work repairing and maintaining the lines that bring you power. It can also be dangerous, especially when...

Round It Up

Round It Up

Operation Round Up helps those in need People helping people is a rural way of life. That’s especially true when the chips are down and someone needs help getting back on their feet. Electric cooperatives have found a unique way to leverage the hundreds of thousands...

Turner Named to MIC Hall of Fame

Turner Named to MIC Hall of Fame

Educator. Advocate. Innovative community leader. A model director. A true believer in cooperatives. All of these terms have been used to describe Boone Electric Cooperative director Jay Turner. That’s why the Boone County farmer is the latest electric cooperative...

Shop Local

Shop Local

Support your neighbors this Christmas season Unless you are one of those frequent shoppers who buys Christmas gifts year-round, you are probably fast approaching panic time for holiday gift giving. If that’s the case, consider shopping local to support those small...

Cooperating with COVID

Cooperating with COVID

Teachers became students when they attended the Energy in Today’s Classroom course. Here they learn to wire simple circuits. Many may hesitate signing up for a summer class during these uncertain times, but 15 teachers and two engineering students from across Missouri...

High-Speed Help

High-Speed Help

July 2 was a big day for rural Missourians living without the benefits of high-speed internet service. On that date Gov. Mike Parson visited Co-Mo Connect in Tipton to sign House Bill 1768. The bill sponsored by Rep. Louis Riggs extends the Missouri Broadband Grant...

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